Create your artist website

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Since 2002, Artfolio has been a forerunner in assisting artists who wish to put their portfolio online in order to present their creations, improve their notoriety and offer them professional contact opportunities.

Our web offer for artists

There are different generalist or specialized platforms that offer to assist you in the creation of your website so why choose Artfolio ?

  • Because the layout of our themes is studied according to the principle of responsive design which means that whatever the terminal (smartphone, tablet, computer) used to surf on your website, the display will always be perfect !
  • Because the quality of your photos AND their display speed are optimized : a good definition is important for your brand image and a fast loading speed is essential to satisfy Internet users.
  • Because there is no limit on the number of photos, galleries or pages you want to add.
  • Because the administration interface is both easy to use and complete : customization of themes, fonts, colors, private galleries ...
  • Because you will appear in the artists directory which will increase your visibility by benefiting from our seniority and our notoriety with the artistic community targeted (painter, tattoo artist ...) as well as with search engines.

See more features

  • Password on private galleries.
  • Custom domain name.
  • Links to your social networks and sharing buttons.
  • Easy integration of videos (Youtube and Vimeo) and audios (Soundcloud) on your pages.
  • Activate comments on your pages and photos.
  • Ability to add news.

A website at a lower cost

Only $ 2.5 per month without commitment or tacit renewal.

Free 5-day trial

Examples of artist websites

We could praise the merits of our platform for a long time but to avoid a too long and boring description, we prefer to invite you to discover existing portfolios and choose a heading and a theme.

    List of examples

You can also consult the demo portfolio which includes the latest features.

Testimonials from artists

  • Margastyle

    I am very happy to be back at Artfolio. This time with a combination of my 50+ modelportfolio ánd my costumes, hats and couture. Artfolio has developed itself as a very user-friendly portfolio-forum and great community ! I hope Artfolio will be more populair in the Netherlands soon. I will promote Artfolio intensely !


  • Thenew Photolook

    Thanks to Artfolio for this convenient site.

    Thenew Photolook

Create my portfolio

What are the steps to create a website for artists ?

Our simple and intuitive interface will allow you to create your website very quickly. However, to save you time and benefit from our experience, we suggest that you plan a few things before taking action :

  • Think about what you want to put forward on your home page (e.g. "Wedding photographer in New York") by putting yourself in the place of someone who would do a search on the internet: what words or questions are appropriate to find you? Then use the Title 1 and Title 2 formats of the text editor to help search engines to reference you as precisely as possible.
  • Write a text presenting your background and experiences and add it to the home page or to a new page (CV, training, experience ...)
  • Prepare in advance the titles of the photo galleries that will present your work and carefully select the corresponding photos. When adding your photos (easy with drag'n drop) take the time to fill in a title and a description in order to improve your referencing.
  • Prepare the list of social networks on which you are active in order to enter them in our interface.
  • Create as many pages as you see fit. Most of the artists listed on Artfolio have pages such as rates and conditions. By default, contact and comments pages will be present but you can disable them if needed. We encourage you to create partner pages : put links to their sites and ask them to do the same in return: it is one of the most effective referencing techniques.


  • Can I create a website without technical knowledge ?
    Of course, that's the whole point of Artfolio platform : allow everyone to present their work on the Internet without being a computer scientist.
  • Can I use my own domain name ?
    We offer this feature and we encourage you to buy your own domain name (a .com costs about 10 euros per year) to give your portfolio an even more professional look. To know more about it
  • Will the quality of my photos be preserved ?
    Yes, we transform the photos you upload into a series of several photos of different sizes (no need to display an image of 4000 pixels on a phone that is 300 pixels) with compression algorithms that allow to keep an optimal definition while guaranteeing an almost instantaneous display speed for visitors comfort.

Still have questions before taking the plunge ?

Contact us